DC Superhero Girls Hawkgirl Doll Review

Hi everyone, welcome to my blog!!! This is my first blog post ever. I plan on doing more doll reviews as well as doll news posts in the future. I hope you enjoy reading this. 

I recently received the DC Superhero Girls Hawkgirl doll from a pre-order I did on Amazon. I really like this doll and am glad that they finally made a doll of her. I collect the DC Superhero Girls dolls in their signature doll outfits and I'm happy I got to add her to my growing collection. However, she is not without flaws. 

  Here are a few pictures of her in her box.

I love her skin tone, eye color, facial expression, make-up, hair colors and the color scheme of her outfit! When I first saw pictures of the cartoon characters, Hawkgirl was one of the ones I was most intrigued by. I'm also glad that we are finally getting another girl with darker skin. The shiny paints that have a sequined look are also a really nice touch. It helps make up for that fact that her top is molded on and she doesn't have a torso joint.

Here you can see that she does not have a student ID.

Now I'm going to show you some pictures of her out of the box.

Here you can see that her shirt no longer has the ribbed on details. It looks a little plain. I'm not a fan of molded on clothing but at least the ribbed details made it look a little higher quality. I also wish that her yellow paint had stopped mid-neck. She clearly doesn't have a high turtleneck in the webisodes.

 The wings are really impressive on this doll! They are one of her best features. There is the same level of detail on the front and the back of the wings. They snap into place by going into a hole in the doll's back. 

The back of the wings...

...and the front of the wings.

Another nice thing about the wings is that they conceal Hawkgirl's hair. It doesn't look too messy from the front. It kind of looks like she curled her hair.

However, the back of her hair is a completely different story.

Someone needs to brush her hair after flying!

Eventually, I'm going to boil wash her hair to straighten out all that frizz. She will look more webisode accurate with straight hair anyways. I'll also try to get her hair in a similar style to her webisode one once I get done with the boil wash. Warning to kids: please do not attempt to do a boil wash. Ask an adult if they will do one for you because you could easily burn yourself with hot water. 

Since I'm going to have to do a boil wash, I decided remove her glasses. I don't want to risk damaging them from hot water. There were some rubber bands holding them down as well as one of those annoying little plastic ties. 

I use scissors intended for needlework projects to get plastic ties removed. They are nice and small which helps me avoid accidentally cutting hair. I got these on Amazon but I've also seen them at Hobby Lobby, Michael's and Wal-Mart. I don't remember how much I paid for these but it was under $5. These scissors are sharp so kids please ask an adult for help.

Once I cut the tie, I use the pointed tip of the scissors to push the remaining part of the tie back into the doll's head. 

And now the clip is gone. 

Here she is without any accessories or cloth clothing. 

Before taking pictures for this review, I read another blog written by Lori at Veni Vidi Dolli blog. Here is the link to her blog: http://venivididolli.blogspot.com

She has a great blog that I encourage you to check out. She wrote about the doll's sunglasses not fitting well over her eyes. I decided to test this out myself in case the ones that she got were a dud in the batch of sunglasses. I strongly suspected that they all were like hers but wanted to check it out myself.

Yeah they cannot be worn on her face. They really are meant to be worn only on top of her head. This isn't a huge deal to me because I almost always keep my dolls glasses on top of their heads anyways but it would have been nice to have the option to put them on her face. It also would have been cool if instead of being see-through, they had black lenses. 

Like they do here!

I'm not thrilled about her gauntlets. They are open on the back which makes it very easy for them to fall off. She has removable hands so I don't know why Mattel designed them like this. Maybe they feel that kids would have a hard time removing the hands to get the gauntlets off but to me, it would just make it easier for kids (and some adults) to lose them. Plus, with the molded on top, I don't think she's going to get redressed much anyways. I suspect it was a cost-cutting measure.

Here is a comparison of other gauntlets and bracelets from the DC Superhero Girls line. The ones right below Hawkgirl's gauntlets in the upper lefthand corner are from Comic Classics Harley Quinn. The other ones are from the signature releases of Harley Quinn, Wonder Woman, Supergirl, Bumblebee, Batgirl, Starfire and Blackfire. None of these have the slits in the back. I'm hoping that Mattel will revert back to the old design. 

Here are some close-ups of Comic Classics Harley Quinn so you can see how this is less than ideal. On a sidenote, I gave her bangs by taking strands from each ponytail and used hairspray and rubber bands to secure the strands to the top of her head.

I may glue the slits closed on Hawkgirl's gauntlets. If I do that, I'm going to try it on Harley's cuffs first because if I ruin them, I think she might be easier to replace (and possibly on sale).

Here is a picture of everything Hawkgirl comes with. She comes with a lot of accessories but I'm disappointed that she didn't come with her mace. I may try to make one. As an adult collector, I would have preferred that she came with her mace and cloth top even if they had to charge more like $24.99 for her. Perhaps her cloth top could have had an opening in the back for the peg to fit in or been a high-necked halter top. They could have made the box bigger and had the student ID card in it too. It could have been a more deluxe doll that I think parents would have spent $5 more on if their children were begging for it. 

Even though there are some things that I wish I could change on this doll, I'm still glad I got her. She is a beautiful addition to my collection! In case you haven't yet heard, Cheetah is starting to show up in stores. I can't wait to add her to my collection!

Please feel free to add any comments and also please check out my Instagram @crazycatladydollcollector.
