
DC Superhero Girls Hawkgirl Doll Review

Hi everyone, welcome to my blog!!! This is my first blog post ever. I plan on doing more doll reviews as well as doll news posts in the future. I hope you enjoy reading this.  I recently received the DC Superhero Girls Hawkgirl doll from a pre-order I did on Amazon. I really like this doll and am glad that they finally made a doll of her. I collect the DC Superhero Girls dolls in their signature doll outfits and I'm happy I got to add her to my growing collection. However, she is not without flaws.     Here are a few pictures of her in her box. I love her skin tone, eye color, facial expression, make-up, hair colors and the color scheme of her outfit! When I first saw pictures of the cartoon characters, Hawkgirl was one of the ones I was most intrigued by. I'm also glad that we are finally getting another girl with darker skin. The shiny paints that have a sequined look are also a really nice touch. It helps make up for that fact that her top is molded on and